2024.7.12 NewsEvent Director of CEA, Kotaro Shimizu participated as a speaker at a networking event called “標準化カフェ”(“hyo-jun-ka cafe”) organized by The Japanese Standards Association (JSA)
2024.4.16 News Exchange Meeting between Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany (TUB) and Circular Economy Association (CEA)
2024.1.16 NewsEvent Our research fellow, Yusuke Chiba will participate as a speaker at a networking event called “標準化カフェ”(“hyo-jun-ka cafe”) organized by The Japanese Standards Association (JSA)
2023.10.19 News “Agent-based model for assessment of multiple circular economy strategies” co-authored by our research fellow Professor Shinsuke Murakami has been published on “Resources, Conservation and Recycling”